Thursday, March 6, 2014

Who out there gets the hiccups?

Which one of you out there gets the hiccups? Chances are most of you including myself. I actually haven't had hiccups for awhile, I just get the short one time ones from possibly eating too fast or it's from the gases in my stomach. There are two things that cause this by one theory: One is eating too fast, and two is that it's the phrenic nerve that stems from the cervical nerves C3 - C5, down to your diaphragm being irritated. Now because you eat too fast, gases can build up or if your stomach's trying to handle it, the stomach may force upward causing that burst of air, and then forces the diaphragm up. Therefore it irritates the diaphragm that the phrenic nerve is attached to. Below is a simple picture of where the phrenic nerve is on the body, and that the diaphram is under the lungs and heart above the stomach and other organs. 

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