Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Natural foods and drinks (examples)

We all have to eat, just like putting gas in our vehicles, we need energy.. So why don't we give ourselves the right energy that it needs? You wouldn't out bad gas or bad oil in your car, truck, etc, now would you? If you're trying to save $ on food, and not worry about what goes in your mouth, well, you're not saving $ at all because it'll harm your body,
It won't give u the nutrients & things to make your body function healthy, therefore, you end up going to the doctors because u have a problem.. Most of them like to give pills out, hardly any medical person learns nutrition & exercise unless they take those extra courses.. They don't learn about good labels & ingredients, and to determine if each ingredient is GMO or organic.. 
U must research & read labels, don't just look @ the advertisement! 
Take care of yourself, teach yourself! When eating natural you're avoiding bad sugar, high fructose corn syrup, all sugars (fructose), artificial sweeteners, GMOs and hydrogenated oils, etc..  Genetically Modidied Organisims enhance the taste of food plus kill off insects.. This why companies do it.. This is why we have obesity is epidemic! Also it's hard to look for "fermaldihyde" but if you see it, avoid it! It's a harmful chemical not suited for our body! It's used in other industrialized products. Maltodextrin is a complex carb but is often processed and again designed to enhance taste of food & make it last more on shelf. You want to becareful with where your fruit & vegetables come from also. You want good antioxidants & flavonoids. You want good fatty acids too from your oils and fats. Omega-3s such as wild salmon is healthy and better than regular fish oils. You're going to get your dosage of fatty acids, DHA, EPA for your brain and the antioxidants, flavonoids, etc. these oils help with any inflammation in the body, improves sleep, mood, eyes, everything. They've helped me in every way. 

Also avoid Trisodium phosphate or phosphate found in cereals, sodas, animal feed & fertilizers, etc.  It's bad salt not found in nature. Like how anything man made isn't natural. 

Anything with brighter colors are more artificial than natural colors in snacks and juice. Chips like Dorritos have more seasoning & coloring than Organic chips. Also avoiding "enriched," and "bleached" flour in breads and other baked foods.. Here's a collaboration of foods from chips, to ketchup, to bread, and drinks.. This gives you an idea of what you should be consuming. Of course when you're cooking with seasons and herbs, most of that is natural out there.. Look for Bob's Red Mill products such as ones below this post. Go online (Bob' to view their soup mixes, oats, flours, whey protein mixes, etc.. Everything we eat absorbs into our cells & tissues, this is how it gets into our bolo and affects us on all levels.. Our bodies use what we give it, it results in problems or result in good health.

Yogurts, as far as these go you need to look for Organic selections such as Stony Field brand or others that have the Organic certified symbol on the product. Organic live culture yogurt provides acidulphus and other probiotics in it as you would supplement with it. Make your life easier at the grocery store, pass up all the crappy yogurts and pick out Organic. Look carefully! Anything especially yogurt that is bright colored is more artificial than natural yogurt & foods, real fruit doesn't make juice or foods bright. 





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