Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Multiple Sclerosis (A hope for you that doctors don't give you, nor psychotherapists, etc)

Multiple Sclerosis, a hope for you, natural approaches 

  Most of you should know what multiple sclerosis (MS) is, maybe you have it or you know someone with it.   It must be painful, depending on the symptoms, it can often sound worse than it is. I've never had it but I feel blessed to have my good health. I'm out to help everyone else and use my good health and talents as much as I can. If you don't know what it is, it's basically an autoimmune disorder or condition, where it attacks itself or your body attacks anything inside your body that looks like a foreign object to it.. Any autoimmune disorder can prevent you from having kids, especially healthy kids, or doing anything, and feeling good. 

With MS, though, your nervous system doesn't send correct nerve impulses from the brain, to your muscles and skin, and then back to the brain.. On a normal person, we're able to feel things and tell how much pressure is put on our skin, and we can respond to something and move/function but with someone who has MS, they don't have normal impulses. Their bodies react differently and is in pain.. Over time this can get worse and worse, and you move less.. What also happens with the nerves, is that the myelin sheath that covers the axon on a neuron, deteriorates. This is damaging to the neurons because there's no protection and the neurons can't function. Here's a diagram below to view how this looks:

This whole structure is a neuron, we got millions or billions of these, and what we're born with is how many we got.The myelin sheath is the yellow looking things that cover and insulate the axon (the blue tube in this example). The CNS and PNS produce the myelin sheaths. So in MS patients, those systems may not produce or reproduce anymore myelin sheaths, therefore, not helping with impulses.. These myelin sheaths help speed up nerve impulses through that axon tube in each neuron. The impulses are just chemical messages from our brain to make us move and feel things accordingly. When you have MS, those impulses are slower, so then your muscles aren't functioning fast enough or efficient enough. You can always research picture of the nervous system, with each system.. This all looks healthy, but with MS, the sheath deteriorates. 

If you need any references, just go on Mayoclinic.com or WebMd.com, or any research page. 

I truly believe that massage therapy can help stimulate the nervous system and help make it function better, which will control your muscles and responses better.. It then may help ease the pain.. Also try stretching your legs, hips and back, etc. or see if you can still do yoga. Keep your body moving still because if you just sit, the MS will just keep getting worse! Try that and research some herbs that can help your immune system and nervous system, starting with every B vitamin you can find! Doctors sometimes don't give you hope for this. They may say there's nothing you can do, so go sit and do nothing. Don't quote me, I'm not saying all of them are bad guys, but the bad ones will tell you to do nothing and don't take herbs. Same goes for any health condition. Also remember that for every square inch that you slouch or lean forward, etc with bad posture, it's 33.5 lb on your back. It could be painful with a condition like this on top of bad posture..

Try some of these supplements to help build up those myelin sheeths.


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