Thursday, April 11, 2013

Importance of bone


Of course u might of heard that exercise helps keep the bones strong and build up your bone mass to prevent osteoporosis, well it's TRUE! Lifting weights or any stress on your joints increase mineral salts and production of collagen fibers by ur osteoblasts (bone building cells).

One reason for not having strong bones and losing bone mass is from not lifting weights or having any kind of stress put on your joints. Another reason is not having enough calcium in your system, so your body steals it from your bones of course. And also taking too many medications throughout your lifetime before you get old.. 

Your body goes through remodeling every so often too, and so your bones don't build back up as good as it did when u were younger. The older age groups need to exercise and supplement with calcium, so your bones build back up during the process of ossification.

When u don't have enough calcium, your parathyroid, which is in your throat with your regular thyroid, will increase calcium in your blood by increasing the # of osteoclasts (cells that break down your bone), which isn't good. Now when u do have calcium, your thyroid increases calcitonin, increasing osteoblasts (bone building cells). That prevents your bone from breaking down supplying calcium in your body.. SO u want calcium in your body, NOT from your bones, u want more calcitonin pumping.. 

When u don't exercise or put stress on your joints, your bone won't go through a normal remodeling process.. It's because your not exercising, u lose protein! Your bone won't build itself better the next time around because of not enough calcium and stress.. So remember this and start doing something about it so u don't lose bone mass.. Doctors can't train u, it's up to you to move your butt!

Having a diet without exercising will decrease your bone mass as well and birth control will also affect your bones.. So ladies remember this and be careful about what u do to your bodies!

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