Tuesday, January 1, 2013

CrossFit? The bad and the good about it.

CrossFit is basically like doing cross training. You're doing a series of exercises, from one exercise to the next, in a fast pace. It's like circuit training, although it has a higher demand. It's a big exercise program consisting of functional training. You may do a number of jump squats, then switch to another ply-metric exercise or you'll switch to a deadlift, before switching to the next exercise..

What people don't realize is that you're doing all this stuff super fast, but nobody pays attention to how correctly they're doing the exercises. First of all: Sit-ups are bad! Sit-ups pull on your back more, than crunches do. Plus doing them too fast and hard, puts a huge demand on your spine! It'll cause more back injuries or maybe a hernia. Doing sit-ups or crunches and pulling on your head, is never good. You will strain your neck. You must keep your neck and head straight and lined up with your spine.

Also during squats, people may have they're feet turned out or turned in, when they should be straight! There's research about orthopedic cautions on exercise, BUT with me being a Corrective Exercise Specialist, I'm also telling you this. I want to inform people that it's not good because I care!

Doing a deadlift too fast can also put your back out. As well as doing any exercise too fast, can cause injuries! Doing improper squats, especially too fast and hurt your knees and other problems also...

I personally don't believe in the whole crossfit era, and don't think it should be around. All you got to do is do those exercises slower and focus on doing everything correctly. Whether you're doing functional training like a set of lunges or squats, with holding weights, or doing single leg exercises, or back extensions, you'll function better in your life style!

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