Friday, June 1, 2012

Stress, Anxiety and Sleep Relief

For any of you out there who've been suffering with stress, anxiety and insomnia, well you're not alone. I deal with it and so does millions of others. Stress can bog you down and cause the sleep insomnia; depression is another factor in it. Anxiety is just excess worrying, it can either be general or severe worrying over things like money, job loss, the job itself or your environment/negative people.

We all know that exercise helps with stress, BUT do you have time to exercise?? We also know that good sleep helps with stress and irritablness....but if you have insomnia like me, you can't sleep!!........Well I have a solution for you! Luckily I went to my health food store, looked around and found GABA, Natural Calming Effect herb supplements.... These are anxiety and stress herb supplements. In the GABA bottle, it includes 500mg in each capsule. That's right, it's a capsule, not a pill! It's full of the GABA herb and vitamin B which all aid in the anxiety and the nervous system to slowing it down. It relaxes you. It's been effective with me. They also have True Calm capsules out there on the market.....I've also tried Nutri-calm herbs as well. Some GABA supps will include Niacin in it, which couples with the GABA hormone in us.

 Pictures of these products are right below:  The company "Now" is only one manufacture but there are other companies you can buy from such as Meadosweet herbs or others. Also try taking Salmon oil capsules. Make sure they're dark with lots of oil. Fish oil has a mix of fish, which you don't know what you're getting. Avoid excessive Omega-6 fatty acids. That's why you supplement with Omega-3s to make up for it. 


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