Friday, November 4, 2011

Being a macho man at the gym vs. being the smart educated ripped guy with good flexibility/posture

For those of you who may not know this there is a difference between wellness (being well) and just being a strong tough macho female or male. In a gym you may notice big hunky men walking around with their big arms, chests and legs who can maybe bench 350lb or squat 300lb....and then in a wellness center you may see laid back people just exercising and keeping their business to themselves. Well there's a difference here.

So if you're this big type of person with big arms, big chest and big legs, tell me, can you hold a plank for 1 minute? Can you balance on one leg for at least 30 seconds? Can you perform a proper squat with out lifting your heals up or having your knees internally rotate toward each other? If you can't do exercises properly than it's no concern to me. I don't care how big you are or how much you can lift. Chances are I'm sure you've had some kind of injury or you will. Power lifters especially don't take precaution on injury prevention. They'll do fast movements and switch to a different exercise working the same muscle group. That's not good! Performing push-ups right after you did a bench press will tear your chest up!

See when you think in this perspective and you look at people you can see some wrong but they don't want to hear it. The people who want help and are willing to listen will go far and listen to you. As an exercise specialist I notice these things every time I'm working out in a gym. Like these gym rats may know a lot too and have been working out or bodybuilding for a long time but they do have some weaknesses that I know how to find. Yeah I'm a bodybuilder wanna be but I know what should be done to look good and feel good the right way.

This goes for all of you.....if you want to learn how to perform exercises correctly then work with a good trainer or an exercise specialist like me who can work with you. Doing an exercise wrong will cause injuries whether it's upper or lower body especially in your knees or ankles. If you're doing a bench press do not bring it down to your chest and bounce it off. If you're doing squats do not bend your knees further than your feet. If your knees internally rotate well your adductors are tight and your It-band is tight for one thing. But there are more muscles that are imbalanced too in that case

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